Wellness @ Work

There never seems to be enough time in the day. The emails, the messages, the projects, they just keep coming and coming… and the inbox keeps piling up. There has to be a better way. Or maybe you’re finding it difficult to connect to yourself and your core values at work. Wondering how to find more balance in your life, not wanting to have work take up so much mental space and time.

Mindfulness meditation, as a practice, can actually create time. By paying attention to the present moment, on purpose, you can feel connected to yourself, slow down, and really be in the moment of what’s happening. Connect to your values. Life in a purposeful way.

I offer multiple paths to learning the practice, from individual sessions to 4 and 8 week Working, Mindfully courses. You’ll learn the myriad benefits of mindfulness meditation while developing your own, personalized meditation practice and emerge from the course with a renewed connection to yourself.