EMDR Therapy Intensives

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based treatment for trauma and complex trauma, and presently the most widely-recognized way to treat trauma. It works by activating the “stuck” traumatic memories and helping them move along and process through. It can be retraumatizing to repeatedly talk about the trauma with words - EMDR avoids this aspect entirely.

People usually come to EMDR having experienced either something recent, or have a history of something that feels like it will never resolve.

EMDR Therapy works for either complex issues or single-incident issues.

Complex issues are if it seems like you’ve…

  • been struggling for a long time with the same issues

  • reached a stuck point in your therapy

  • having uncharacteristically large reactions to things in your life

A single-incident issue is if you avoid certain things like…

  • driving over bridges

  • riding in elevators

  • being in close quarters

  • petting certain animals

Intensive appointments offer longer blocks of time in which to process. Instead of spreading the therapy over weeks and months, we can make dramatic progress in a half or full day. People choose EMDR Therapy Intensives because they…

  • want to feel better, faster

  • are very connected to their therapist but feel stuck with a particular issue or feeling

  • have a schedule is such that it’s too hard to find consistent, weekly times for therapy

What happens next?

  • Schedule a Consultation Call - During this 30 minute call, we will review your most pressing concerns and goals for the intensive, costs, and payment schedules. We’ll make sure we are aligned and a good fit and that EMDR Intensive is right for you. If so, we’ll proceed with scheduling the appointment, having decided how much time to allot for the intensive (1/2, full, or multiple days.) At that point, I will collect a deposit for the appointment. If not, that’s ok! Maybe we can work together in a traditional talk therapy format, or you’d rather have a referral for a different provider. My goal is for you to feel better, either with me or someone else.

  • Data Collection - Once we schedule, I’ll send you forms and assessments to complete. This paperwork gives me more information about you and helps me create a treatment plan for our time together, ensuring we maximize the process.

  • Intensive Appointment - Having made a plan, we’ll meet either at my office or via Zoom and get started. The first part of the process includes getting to know each other relationally and helping you establish a baseline of safety and connection. We’ll determine the goals we want to work on, and then get started reprocessing trauma - from a place of safety and connection to me, and within yourself.

  • After the Intensive - You’ll receive a follow up session to check in on the progress made during the Intensive, and see how you’re getting along. At that point you may decide to continue with therapy, or take a break. It’s really up to you and how you’re feeling about your treatment.

What’s the investment?

  • EMDR Intensives begin at $600 for a 3 hour appointment and vary in range, depending on number of hours needed.

  • You may be able to utilize your out of network benefits for part of the appointment, depending on your insurance plan.

  • While the up-front cost of an EMDR Intensive may seem high consider the longer-term investment of weekly or biweekly ongoing therapy, and length of time to make progress within that model. We can accomplish in a few hours what could otherwise take weeks or months.

  • Sliding scale rates are available for eligible folks, we can discuss this during out initial phone call.

We’ll cover all of this during our intake phone call and make sure you’re in the right spot for you. I’m excited to help you feel better, faster.